Do You Have an Upper Limit Problem?

Also known as “Uplevel Trials,” this is a super-common self-blocking phenomenon experienced by entrepreneurs.

Heidi Anspaugh


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Not all that long ago, I was working on sales funnel copy for a client who bought my Offer Copy Remix. She was a psychotherapist-turned-coach mostly focused on helping perfectionist women bust out of their self-imposed limits.

Some of her old copy talked about this thing I’d never heard of called an “Upper Limit Problem.” What is this???

It’s the unfortunate link many of us have between self-sabotage and expanded success.

Basically, it’s that thing where…..just when things get REALLY good in your life, health, relationship, business…you freak out and try to fuck it all up!

It’s those silly, self-sabotaging behaviors like over-eating, over-spending, drinking too much, making RASH business decisions, and picking fights with your loved ones.

I think I was just doing that. 😀

I blamed it all on the coronavirus, but the fact is, I was in a FOUL mood because I was attempting to restructure my business in a way that would make me happier, and although I haven’t seen the results of making this move yet….I was pushing through a lot of internal BS so I could launch.

The COVID situation was forcing me to push outside of my comfort zone and I was PISSED about it!

Yet still getting good feedback anytime I’d describe this new offer to someone.

So I responded by:
- eating too many carbs
- drinking wine 2 nights in a row (I NEVER do this anymore) and feeling slow and fatigued all the next day
- staying up too late for the stupid reason of not being able to stop scrolling on my phone (WHY?)
- procrastinating hardcore on my new launch AND my current work
- and yes,…fighting with loved ones

Have you ever done this??? If so, how did you pull yourself out of it?

Next time I feel this come up, I’m going to try some of these tactics instead shared…



Heidi Anspaugh

Direct response copywriter. Check out my Medium 30-Day Publishing Challenge: Writing about digital marketing, entrepreneurship & life.